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ChatGPT has been a hot topic the past few weeks. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s an AI-driven chatbot that can produce extremely sophisticated content. It is capable of generating human-like responses to a wide range of prompts, including questions, statements and even images.

ChatGPT in action

Try it out if you haven’t already – it’s the best way to understand what it does. Basically, ask it a question and BING, it gives you an answer that sounds like it came from a human with subject-matter expertise. The system is being touted as a great alternative (or enhancement) to online customer enquiry services, and also as a great way to generate marketing content. From blog posts to essays to medical licensing exam papers, ChatGPT is knocking it out of the park.

Kind of.

Because although it’s shockingly adept for what is essentially an algorithm, it also lacks the nuance and strategic insight of a real human.

It’s here to stay but it’s not a silver bullet

And here’s the thing. There’s always been change. ChatGPT is not going anywhere, and others are coming up behind it. We just need to work out how best to use it.

Don’t take my word for it though. I asked ChtGPT to list some pros and cons of using it to create content, and this is what it came back with:


Time-Saving: ChatGPT can generate marketing content quickly, which can save time and resources for businesses. This is particularly useful for businesses with limited marketing budgets or small marketing teams.

Diverse Content: ChatGPT can generate a diverse range of marketing content, including blog posts, social media posts, and product descriptions. This can help businesses create a consistent and varied marketing strategy across multiple channels.

SEO Optimisation: ChatGPT can generate content that is optimised for search engines, which can improve a business’s search engine rankings and increase website traffic.


Lack of Creativity: ChatGPT’s responses can lack creativity and originality, which may make the content less engaging for customers. This can result in lower engagement rates and reduced customer interest in a business’s products or services.

Inconsistent Tone: ChatGPT’s tone may not always align with a business’s brand or messaging, which can result in inconsistent marketing content. This can harm a business’s reputation and make it difficult to build a loyal customer base.

Limited Understanding of Business Goals: ChatGPT’s responses are based on the input it receives, which may not always align with a business’s marketing goals or strategies. This can result in content that is off-topic or irrelevant to the business’s needs.

How we see ChatGPT fitting in

Ultimately, ChatGPT is a tool like any other. It’s great for:

  • Developing a first draft to help you clarify your ideas
  • As an ‘unbiased reviewer’ to give you some feedback on your own draft
  • To explain complex concepts in a way they can be understood

So take a look, and see what you think (and be quick – when we first signed up late last year it was entirely free. There’s already a paid option now, and it’s only going to get more expensive).

Kendi Burness-Cowan