“The training was well organised with specific, clear, honest and very relevant and up to date information.”

City of Parramatta Council is committed to building a strong and vibrant business community. When they put out a call for local suppliers to help build the capability of small business entrepreneurs through a bespoke training offering, this was a perfect opportunity for our programs that build expertise and resilience in running a business, and marketing it well.

We were selected to offer two modules: ‘How To Do PR Well’ and ‘Crisis Comms 101’. Our core strength is our training is hands-on and practical, coming from people who are doing this day-in/day-out. We put a strong focus on learning in our programs, through practical exercises, case studies and interactive sessions tailored to the specific needs of attendees.

Sign ups for each program exceeded expectations. Our pre-training survey indicated a low level of experience but high level of interest in the subject matter. There was excellent engagement during the webinar and 100% said they would apply the training in their business.

Parramatta media gency
Parramatta Council

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