Insights, ideas and inspiration

Starting your start-up

HC has some exciting news! We’re looking forward to working with the City of Parramatta again this year to deliver a series of training programs, but this time with a twist – the programs will...

Let them grow

Growth is something I’m committed to – for staff, for clients and for anyone else who crosses our path (as our Parramatta coworking space friends will attest). Since the early days of my business, I’ve...

Fail fast, fail funny

We all make mistakes, and hopefully we learn from them. When others make mistakes, we get to learn…and sometimes laugh (you know it’s true). Check out these cringeworthy, awkward and sometimes entertaining social media fails...

Inspirational women

Having just celebrated International Women’s Day the team explains which wonderful women have left a positive mark on their lives. Alex: As I write this, the women of our country are protesting in the streets...

The business of doing business

In February, I was lucky enough to attend a weeklong course run by the Australian Institute of Management called a Mini MBA. Now most people know a full MBA (or Master of Business Administration) can...

The mindgames we play

How many times do you find yourself saying things like – I’ll start fresh on Monday. I’ll finish this task once I take this well-deserved break. I’ll get started once I clean up my desk....

Buzzwords that should buzz off

Catchphrases that have had their day – here are a few of the words and phrases spawned in 2020 that we’re well and truly ready to say goodbye to: Unprecedented times. Yes, in March 2020...