Dawn of the dead (web)

Dawn of the dead (web)

It’s hard to ignore the growing presence of AI and automated content. The dead web theory – some call it a conspiracy – suggests there is more AI than ‘real’ content on the web these days. But as a brand, you want to connect with actual people and that requires...
Are you overlooking the basics?

Are you overlooking the basics?

We can often get swept up in latest trends and complex strategies, aiming to outdo ourselves with glossy campaigns and surpassing our KPIs. And while I’m an advocate for learning something new and trying the latest, it’s equally important to not overlook the power of...
The pitfalls of the pause

The pitfalls of the pause

Have you ever been tempted to take a break from posting on social media? Perhaps you’re too busy, budget is tight, or you just find yourself thinking “what could a few months hurt?”. Unfortunately, it can hurt. And it can take longer than you think to bounce...
Acing your audience

Acing your audience

Many of our clients work in sectors where they have multi-layered or different audiences they need to reach, which adds a level of complexity in developing their content. This can be especially true on social media, where you have one channel meeting the needs of...
Revitalise your social media channels

Revitalise your social media channels

Do you feel like your social channels have become stagnant? Social media can be overwhelming, especially if you are juggling multiple platforms, so how do you easily bring the spark back to your social pages? Introducing our latest offering, the Social Media Revival...