Finding the story within

Finding the story within

There’s a saying that content producers love to share, and that is everyone has a story. When you’re talking about individual human beings, that’s fairly easy to believe. But what about when you’re talking about businesses? Some of them are just not that interesting,...
Working on your insides

Working on your insides

This week I was really pleased to chat with a business owner who attended a session I presented to Condon Advisory’s Parramatta Accountants Discussion Group (PADG).   The session was about the...
Do you have a split personality?

Do you have a split personality?

Personality tests. There are a million out there, telling us what traits we have, what we’re well suited to, what challenges us. But what can we actually learn and take away from these tests? I’ve recently done two different personality tests. The first was the common...
It’s not all work for team HC

It’s not all work for team HC

When not on the job what does the HC team do? SueI’m an avid veggie gardener and proud of the 40+ varieties I have in my small urban garden. I love to cycle and walk, listen to podcasts and books, and spend time with my four always-surprising kids. KendiI love to...