It’s publication time. Don’t panic!

It’s publication time. Don’t panic!

Publications can be daunting. There’s a lot of plate spinning involved in bringing together content and images, managing timelines, writing copy, proofreading and getting it all on the page. But at HC, we love every bit of it! Here are five ways we can help get your...
Dawn of the dead (web)

Dawn of the dead (web)

It’s hard to ignore the growing presence of AI and automated content. The dead web theory – some call it a conspiracy – suggests there is more AI than ‘real’ content on the web these days. But as a brand, you want to connect with actual people and that requires...
Mastering thought leadership

Mastering thought leadership

Many brands aspire to be thought leaders in their field, but often don’t know where to start, or what to say. Thought leadership has to be engaging. And it has to be leading. You must add something of value to the conversation. If you’re saying what everyone else is...
Top tips for compelling social media posts

Top tips for compelling social media posts

Do you ever dread writing another business social post and tire of coming up with new ways to say the same thing over and over? Or do you feel like your posts have become stale and you could be doing better? You are not alone. The struggle to create compelling posts...