The power of the pitch

The power of the pitch

How many emails do you get each day? Multiply it by 10 and that’s probably the number of media pitches that land in the inbox of your favourite journo. If you want your big news covered, sometimes you have to do more than press send on a media release and just hope...
The power of earned media

The power of earned media

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to spend a couple of days in the Hunter Valley on a retreat for PR agency leaders, hosted by the PRIA’s Registered Consultancies Group. While there were plenty of takeaways over the two days, there were a few things that really...
Introducing our new Media Masterclass

Introducing our new Media Masterclass

In our 21st year of business, we’re looking at other ways we can celebrate, and give back to the community and the industry sectors we love to support and be a part of. To that end, we’re excited to officially launch and offer free places in our new media training...
Top tips for engaging government

Top tips for engaging government

Between the federal and state government cycles, it seems there’s always an election coming up somewhere. For businesses and organisations that rely on government funding, or operate in areas where government policy can drastically impact market opportunity, getting...
Cheers to 21 years!

Cheers to 21 years!

Do you remember planning for your own 21st party? Did you have a fondant covered fruit cake in the shape of a key made by your aunty like I did? Some family and friends mixing in the backyard or a party hosted at the local club? Perhaps a dress up theme? I bet there...