What makes a good offsite?

What makes a good offsite?

A few weeks back, Team HC hit the road to the picturesque Hunter Valley for a three day offsite. Many might think – how much work can you actually do in the wine region? Well, we think we struck the perfect balance of work and play – and now I’m going to share what...
Keep at the edge of your career

Keep at the edge of your career

Put the oxygen mask on yourself first, before assisting others. We hear this very well-known phrase when flying on a plane, and perhaps offered as sage advice if you put others’ needs before your own. But recently, I heard this phrase used in a talk about keeping on...
Introducing our new Media Masterclass

Introducing our new Media Masterclass

In our 21st year of business, we’re looking at other ways we can celebrate, and give back to the community and the industry sectors we love to support and be a part of. To that end, we’re excited to officially launch and offer free places in our new media training...
Overcoming imposter syndrome

Overcoming imposter syndrome

Have you ever felt like a fraud at work? Have you doubted your abilities or felt that you don’t deserve your success, despite your accomplishments and qualifications? If so, you might be experiencing imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is where people doubt their...