Testing testing 123 – is my camera on?

Testing testing 123 – is my camera on?

In the old days… like 18 months ago, training was fairly regimented. A roomful of people at the ready – notes, PowerPoint and nerves. Fast forward to today – we are in full COVID lockdown mode and presenting training better than ever. What we have learnt, and...
Do you have a split personality?

Do you have a split personality?

Personality tests. There are a million out there, telling us what traits we have, what we’re well suited to, what challenges us. But what can we actually learn and take away from these tests? I’ve recently done two different personality tests. The first was the common...
Get strategic

Get strategic

In the Mini MBA course I completed in February, we were given a whole lot of tips and tools to help build a strategy, develop ourselves as leaders and unlock opportunities in business. One that stood out for me was the ERRC Quadrants – a handy tool that’s part of the...
Accelerate or bust

Accelerate or bust

I love the concept of acceleration. Of making things happen faster and getting to your outcomes quicker. So, you’d be right in thinking I was pretty delighted when the owner of our coworking space in Parramatta, Peter Doueihi, invited me to join the iAccelerate...
Starting your start-up

Starting your start-up

HC has some exciting news! We’re looking forward to working with the City of Parramatta again this year to deliver a series of training programs, but this time with a twist – the programs will be tailored directly to start-ups.  Start-ups are the growth engine of...