Headline hilarity

Headline hilarity

It’s good to learn from mistakes – especially if they are someone else’s mistakes. Here are a few headline-creation rules to live by: Check your spelling!Seems obvious but you’d be surprised how often people proof every other part of a document but forget the...
Fail fast, fail funny

Fail fast, fail funny

We all make mistakes, and hopefully we learn from them. When others make mistakes, we get to learn…and sometimes laugh (you know it’s true). Check out these cringeworthy, awkward and sometimes entertaining social media fails – then add them to your Not to Do list....
External support Vs in house

External support Vs in house

Outsourced support or in-house support, which is better? Many businesses today need skills that they just can’t find within their own team – but that’s not a bad thing! You will always find skills that are lacking but what you choose to do about that gap is the key....
We think it’s time to try something new

We think it’s time to try something new

Sometimes it’s hard to realise it’s time to try something new. You can get stuck in the normal day to day, and if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right? At HC we like to challenge ourselves from time to time and try something different if the opportunity presents...